Pilot a boat and have fun
Posted by: BeayPepe
N 42° 12.941 W 008° 49.754
29T E 514094 N 4673737
[ES]Has de pilotar un barco, disfrutarlo y sacarte una foto para demostrarlo.
[EN]You have to pilot a boat, have a fun and take a picture to prove it.
Waymark Code: WM17FWB
Location: Galicia, Spain
Date Posted: 02/14/2023
Views: 35
Para poder conseguir este "Photo Goal" has de pilotar un barco, de cualquier tipo, y sacarte una foto en la que se te vea disfrutándolo.
Es válida cualquier foto, siempre que se te vea pilotando. No nos sirve que vayas de pasajero. Tienes que estar agarrando el timón y tiene que verse en la foto que el barco está en movimiento.
In order to get this "Photo Goal" you have to pilot a boat, of any kind, and take a picture of yourself enjoying it.
Any photo is valid, as long as you can be seen driving. We don't want a photo with yourself as a passenger: You have to be holding the rudder and we have to see in the photo that the boat is moving.