Battle of Pilot Knob - Iron Furnace - Ironton, Missouri
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member gparkes
N 37° 37.315 W 090° 38.128
15S E 708676 N 4166496
The Battle of Pilot Knob ran from just east of Arcadia, through Ironton, and up into Pilot Knob and Fort Davidson. There are 16 markers, and if taken in order will give the viewer an appreciation for the rolling battle through the Arcadia Valley.
Waymark Code: WM7DB5
Location: Missouri, United States
Date Posted: 10/08/2009
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member YoSam.
Views: 11

Iron Furnace

September 27. 1864

2:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M.

The iron furnace is the most visible remains of what was once a thriving iron mining industry in the Arcadia Valley. The first iron furnace was constructed in 1848 but was destroyed by the rebel army after the battle of Pilot Knob. It was rebuilt a year later and mining operations resumed. It was near here prior to the frontal assaults on Fort Davidson by the Rebel Army, that Major Wilson, Captain Dinger and five men were taken prisoner.

This marker is number 11 of 16 located within the 6 mile stretch of the battlefield. The marker is located on the north side of Highway V. A parking area to the west side of railroad tracks give an excellent place to stop and get out for this marker.

Below you can directly go to each of the waymarks consisting of the tour.

Tour Stops



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History of Mark: Not listed

Additional point: Not Listed

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