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UK Post Offices allows ratings

by:  UK Post Offices 

UK Post Offices from the smallest village to the largest city centre Post Office.


Active Rail Locations allows ratings

by:  Train Spotters 

A category for waymarking places to watch trains in action. This activity is known as railfanning or trainspotting. Trains can be for work or transport. Including other types of rail guided modes of transportation.


Chili's Restaurants allows ratings

by:  Pepper in Some Waymarks 

A category to waymark the more than 1,000 locations of Chili's restaurants throughout 24 countries.


Ye Olde Butcher Shoppe allows ratings

by:  Butcher Shop Managers 

The purpose of this category is to accept waymarks for independent and chain butcher shops, meat markets, smokehouses and meat specialty stores where the secondary preparation and sale of meat products is the main purpose of the business.


E85 Fuel Pumps

by:  E85 Fuel Pumps 

Category created to discover the location of E85 fueling pumps. Please click on "show additional information" below to see requirements for posting in this category.


Spirit of '76

by:  Patriots 

Any remnant or evidence left over from 1976 which celebrates and commemorates the United States Bicentennial year of independence in conjunction of the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence.


Urban Legends and Superstitions

by:  I Triple-Dog Dare You 

Play by visiting the location of an Urban Legend or Superstition and possibly testing it. This will involve visiting a place and possibly performing an action at that place.


Community Gardens

by:  Community Gardens 

Community gardens, also known as Allotment gardens, are small plots of land allocated to groups or individual people by some organization that holds title or lease to the land, often for rent, sometimes as a grant, for the purpose of cultivating the land for produce (vegetables, fruit and/or flowers).


Converted Fountains allows ratings

by:  Non-Fountains 

Any fountain that once featured running water but is now permanently out of service or converted to another use.


Ship Screws and Aircraft Props

by:  Prop&Screw Inspectors 

A category to waymark static ship screws, paddle wheels and aircraft propellers on public display.


Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives allows ratings

by:  Diners, Drive-ins, & Dives 

The group Diners, Drive-ins and Dives is dedicated to waymarking those independent establishments that have been featured in nationally syndicated food programs for their ability to excel in the culinary arts. We start with the restaurants featured on our favorite food critic television series such as Diners, Drive-ins and Dives, Feasting on Asphalt, Feasting on Waves, the Great Canadian Food Show, and Rachael Ray's Tasty Travels. Then we search out and investigate those restaurants ourselves.


Historic Eats

by:  Historic Eats 

If they've been serving food for more than 50 years, this is the place for them.


Greenhouses and Nurseries allows ratings

by:  Hot House Flowers 

This category waymarks all types of greenhouses including large commercial / agricultural operations or small sales centres. Greenhouses also includes places that specialty plants are grown for public display or for education such as Universities. This includes commercial nurseries where the greenhouse is provided by mother nature (i.e. no building). This category is not for private greenhouses unless clearly open to the public or where the greenhouse is not the primary business (eg Walmart).


Animal Memorials allows ratings

by:  Animal Memorials 

The purpose of this category is to locate any memorial to a single specific animal (not a species or breed) who was noteworthy enough to be given a plaque or statue commemerating their life. The story of the animal is as important as the memorial itself.


Manitoba Historical Markers allows ratings

by:  Manitoba Historians 

This category exists to collect the various Historical Markers that have been placed throughout this Canadian province.


German Trigonometric Points allows ratings

by:  German Trigpoints 

Deutsch Diese Kategorie beinhaltet alle Trigonometrischen Punkte in Deutschland, sofern diese Steine sind oder Bolzen erlaubt, die direkt in den Boden eingelassen sind. English This category includes all trigonometric points in Germany, where these stones or studs allowed, which are inserted directly into the ground.


Little Free Pantry

by:  Feed My Sheep 

A Little Free Pantry, Blessing Box, or by any other name is what this category is looking for. The idea is simple. The box is a miniature food pantry -- receiving items from those who want to donate, and offering it to those who need them. The most common design is that of the Free Little Library - a post mounted wooden box with a door to protect the contents from the elements. Inside is placed non perishable food items.


English Heritage - Cadw - Historic Scotland allows ratings

by:  English Heritage 

To find Properties owned or managed in the UK by English Heritage, Cadw (Welsh Historic Monuments) and Historic Scotland. Not to be confused with The National Trust which is a seperate waymark category.


Outdoor Mazes

by:  Maze Wanderers 

Outdoor mazes of all kinds, from hedgerow mazes to corn mazes to outdoor structures.


Literary Sites

by:  Literary Sites 

<i>New management and new requirements as of July 6, 2011</i> <br><br> Locations crucial to fictional literary works are interesting when the real world meets the imaginary world.


Lewis and Clark Trail allows ratings

by:  Lewis and Clark Trail 

The Lewis and Clark Trail category will promote the identification of points of interest on the historic Lewis and Clark Trail, the path that the Corps of Discovery followed as they blazed the trail for the pioneers who later populated America's West.


Statues of Liberty allows ratings

by:  Liberty 

Dedicated to finding the hundreds of Statue of Liberty replicas around the world.


Astronomical Observatories allows ratings

by:  Astronomers 

Historically, observatories were as simple as containing a sextant (for measuring the distance between stars) or Stonehenge (which has some alignments on astronomical phenomena). Modern astronomical observatories typically contain one or more permanently mounted telescopes contained in buildings with a rotating or removable dome.


Car Part Sculptures allows ratings

by:  Junkyard Dogs 

You must have seen those figures made from old car parts welded together sitting on top of garages or standing outside car mechanics premises. They're usually made from old exhaust pipes with the cylinders forming bodies and heads, and pipes as arms and legs. In the US these humanoid auto-junk sculptures are called Muffler Men, and are a type of Folk Art. Calling all folk art revivalists, bored auto mechanics, & devotees of outside Art. This is the Category for you.


Lincoln Highway allows ratings

by:  Lincoln Highway Patrolmen 

The Lincoln Highway was the first road across America. It spanned almost 3400 miles, coast-to-coast, from Times Square in New York City to Lincoln Park in San Francisco. This category seeks to waymark the unique pieces of Americana and history that still lie along this supplanted route.

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