NGI Meetpunt 34E12C1 Tongeren, Limburg, Belgium
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member TeamYakara
N 50° 45.678 E 005° 27.631
31U E 673526 N 5626167
Planmetrisch punt 34E12C1, Tongeren
Waymark Code: WMZ1G5
Location: Limburg, Belgium
Date Posted: 08/26/2018
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Axel-F
Views: 1

Betonpaal met kraag 15x15 "M" - midden merkteken
circa 2190m Z van de basiliek van Tongeren
betonweg ; N-zijde
ca. 245m O van De Grunnestraat

Altitude: 104.69m

The trees on the horizon will be determatif for your (log) picture
Reference of this Benchmark:
Betonnen veldweg
Tongeren, Limburg Belgium

Type: Grondpunt

Lambert2008 X coordinates: 727,025.00

Lambert2008 Y coordinates: 661,776.00

Condition: Poor

Visit Instructions:

The requirement for logging this Waymark will be at least shoot the most beautiful picture you are ever shot at the Benchmark point.

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Lotty visited NGI Meetpunt 34E12C1 Tongeren, Limburg, Belgium 05/31/2020 Lotty visited it