Grimes Point Archaeological Area
Posted by: Volcanoguy
N 39° 24.078 W 118° 38.832
11S E 358171 N 4362605
History sign at Grimes Point Archaeological Area.
Waymark Code: WMVHVQ
Location: Nevada, United States
Date Posted: 04/22/2017
Views: 0
History sign on back of Welcome sign at parking lot for Grimes Point Archaeological Area.
Marker Title (required): Grimes Point Archaeological Area — One of the Most Significant Archaeological Sites in the Great Basin.
 Marker Text (required): The Cattail-Eater People (Toidikadi)
Stillwater Marsh is located in the base northwest of Grimes Point. When the first non-native explorers entered the area, it was the home of the Northern Paiute people, known as the Cattail-eaters or Toidikadi. Like the prehistoric inhabitants who lived there before them, the Toidikadi used the abundant marsh resources to supply most of their material needs.
Houses were built of cattail and tule bundles. Tule stems were bound together, tied with cattail leaves and formed into boats. With these, off-shore marsh resources such as duck eggs and fish could be gathered. Clothing was made from the shredded and twined fibers of sagebrush bark. Baskets, duck decoys, cradleboards, nets and even sandals were fashioned from the marsh plants. It has been said, quite accurately, that the Cattail-eater people tied their world together.
Plants and Animals Change with the Climate
Ten thousand years ago the climate was moist and much milder. River otters played on the banks of slow moving, placid streams. Huge ground sloths fed on the streamed vegetation. Beavers and bald eagles were common. As the climate changed, the plants and animas found in the area also changed. Today most of them are desert species, adapted to surviving hot temperatures and long periods without water.
Desert animals often find water in plants or the flesh and their prey. They tend to be swift-footed, running and leaping creatures adapted to the open country. These desert dwellers are active mainly at night, choosing to spend the ho, burning days in burrows where the temperatures may be as much as 80 degrees cooler than on the surface. Desert plants have waxy leaf surfaces or tiny leaves so that less moisture is lost to the atmosphere.
Grimes Point Interpretative Trail
Please feel free to walk the one-half mile loop, self-guided interpretive trail. This trail winds through the large boulder field. Many of the rocks have petroglyph carvings, some possibly dating as far back as 7,000 years. Hundreds of petroglyphs of different types can be found within this boulder field.
Hidden Cave Interpretative Trail
Located a little over a mile northeast of Grimes Point, visitors will find another self-guided interpretive loop trail. In addition to petroglyphs, you will see rock shelters, learn more about native plants and animals, geology, and the daily lives of the prehistoric people. Because of the fragile nature of Hidden Cave itself, the cave is open only for guided tours. Please contact the Bureau of Land Management or the Churchill County Museum for information about tours of the cave.
Carson City BLM Field Office — (775) 885-6000
Churchill County Museum — (775) 423-3677
 County (required): Churchill
 Marker Type (required): Other (describe below)
 Other Marker Type (optional): Fiberglass sign
 Is Marker Damaged? (required): No
 Other Damage Type (optional): NA
 Marker Number (If official State Marker from NV SHPO website above, otherwise leave blank): Not Listed
 URL - Website (optional): Not listed

Visit Instructions:
- The marker must be visited in order to log a Waymark
- Pictures are optional, however, if adding a picture try to include one of a different perspective (e.g. different
angle/season/lighting etc.)
- Add any personal experience or research information that would enhance the history of the marker.
- Thanks!