1925 - Dunedoo Pie Shop, Dunedoo, NSW
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Tuena
S 32° 00.972 E 149° 23.788
55H E 726348 N 6455258
A simple commercial building in the main street bears the year of construction.
Waymark Code: WMT5QX
Location: New South Wales, Australia
Date Posted: 09/30/2016
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member saopaulo1
Views: 5

There are two buildings in the main street that display the year of construction & the initials A.Z. I haven't been able to identify the person the initials refer to. The shop is in a good state of repair & I can vouch for their plain apple pies.
Year of construction: 1925

Full inscription:
1925 A.Z

Cross-listed waymark: Not listed

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Grahame Cookie visited 1925 - Dunedoo Pie Shop, Dunedoo, NSW 09/21/2018 Grahame Cookie visited it