Fullerwood Community Garden - St. Augustine, FL
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Marine Biologist
N 29° 55.117 W 081° 19.359
17R E 468855 N 3309811
The Fullerwood Community Garden is located in the Fullerwood Park in St. Augustine, Florida, USA.
Waymark Code: WMRFFK
Location: Florida, United States
Date Posted: 06/19/2016
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member 8Nuts MotherGoose
Views: 4

"To help open the Fullerwood Community Garden, shop students from the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind helped organizers build 12 garden beds. Instructor Randall Hancock offered to use the community garden project as a class assignment.

“The students came to the site for an hour or so a day, for about two weeks, until all the work was done,” said Diana Smith, director for the Fullerwood Community Garden. “They did a wonderful job.”

In addition to building 12 garden beds, the students placed soil in each and helped with other projects.

“We are grateful to give back to the community,” Hancock said. “My students were happy to do this to learn the tools of the trade. They were also able to count this toward their hours for community service as part of their scholarship quota.”

The garden, located in Fullerwood Park, was the brainchild of Gina Burrell, current garden president. Burrell enlised the help of Cash McVay, one of the founders of the Lincolnville Community Garden, who drew up a site plan for the garden.

“We had three general goals,” Smith said.

1) to promote community interest and comraderie in a self-reliant and healthy lifestyle

2) to promote healthy food choices and local produce

3) to encourage an interest in gardening, for all ages

To get started, the board asked for donations from the neighborhood and local businesses. A 501c(3) nonprofit endeavor, the Fullerwood Community Garden opened April 26. Neighborhood residents have already started planting vegetables and herbs, and Burrell planted a butterfly garden with the help of her granddaughter and two great-grandsons."

--The St. Augustine Record (visit link)

There is a Little Free Library at the community garden. A sign on the library reads: "Seed, Recipe & Community Exchange". The garden also has a Facebook page (visit link) .
Fullerwood Park
Hildreth Drive
St. Augustine, FL USA

Fullerwood Park

Hands-on or educational programs: I don't know

Community garden's website: [Web Link]

Parking: Not Listed

Telephone number: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
All logs must be the result of an actual visit to the community garden. Write a description about your visit to the garden. A photo of one of your favorite elements of the garden would also be a nice addition, but not mandatory.
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