RD Meetpunt: 170519 - Exloërveen
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N 52° 54.941 E 006° 54.174
32U E 358997 N 5864949
RD Meetpunt: 170519 Trafo Eerste Exloërmond aan de kruising Exloërveen - Nieuwe dijk - 1e Exloërmond in Exloërveen.
Waymark Code: WMQKJC
Location: Drenthe, Netherlands
Date Posted: 02/28/2016
Views: 4
RD Meetpunt: 170519 Trafo Eerste Exloërmond aan de kruising Exloërveen - Nieuwe dijk - 1e Exloërmond in Exloërveen.
- Messing bout in de N.O.muur van de trafo; 0.30 m uit de N.W.muur; 1.80 m b.b.g.
Type: regular meetpunt
 X coordinate: 256,947.00
 Y coordinate: 548,691.00
 Condition: Perfect

Visit Instructions:
Your entry preferably contains a photograph of the trig point with your GPSr next to it, showing the coordinates in the RD system.
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