Thorvald Meyer - Oslo, Norway
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Marine Biologist
N 59° 54.850 E 010° 44.266
32V E 597172 N 6643127
A blue plaque for Thorvald Meyer is located at Karl Johans gate 37 in Oslo, Norway.
Waymark Code: WMPD4T
Location: Oslo, Norway
Date Posted: 08/11/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member borospeti
Views: 12

The blue plaque reads:

Grosserer og Rittmester
Thorvald Meyer
Lot Denne Bygning Oppføre 1868
Arkitekt Wilhelm von Hanno

[English Translation:]
Wholesaler and Captain of the Cavalry
Thorvald Meyer
Constructed this Building in 1868
Architect Wilhelm von Hanno

Additional information is available on the internet (visit link) .
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davidb11 visited Thorvald Meyer - Oslo, Norway 06/24/2023 davidb11 visited it
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