Flåmsbrygga Hotel Gazebo - Flåm, Norway
N 60° 51.815 E 007° 07.060
32V E 397765 N 6749059
This gazebo is located in front of the Flåmsbrygga Hotel in the village of Flåm, Norway.
Waymark Code: WMPB9A
Date Posted: 08/02/2015
Views: 4
The gazebo is constructed of wood and has no seating inside of it. All it has is a smoker's receptacle located in it. The gazebo looks relatively new and is in good condition. It appears to simply be used to provide a covered smoking location for the hotel's guests.
Seating Type: No Seating
 Location: Flåmsbrygga Hotel in Flåm, Norway
 Materials Used: Wood
 Other Material Used: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
A clear photo of the gazebo would be nice. Tell about your experience there.
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