Koningslinde - Deventer, NL
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member h35per05
N 52° 17.388 E 006° 08.733
32U E 305328 N 5797109
Koningslinde in Diepenveen, NL
Waymark Code: WMNW3X
Location: Overijssel, Netherlands
Date Posted: 05/10/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member scrambler390
Views: 3

The tree commemmorates to the King of Orange taking the throne on 30-Apr-2012 when his mother, the Queen of Oranje, abdicated.
Location of the tree: It is located on a square in front of the community center.

Type of tree: Linden

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h35per05 visited Koningslinde - Deventer, NL 05/09/2015 h35per05 visited it