Denkmal zu Ehren der nach Pula ausgewanderten Bürger aus Rovinj
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N 45° 05.003 E 013° 37.774
33T E 392145 N 4993126
[de]Denkmal zu Ehren ehemaliger Bürger von Rovinj.
[en]This is a Citizen Monument for the former Citizens of Rovinj.
Waymark Code: WMMEFR
Location: Croatia
Date Posted: 09/09/2014
Views: 37
Dieses Denkmal soll an die in den Jahren 1956-1981 nach Pula umgezogenen ehemaligen Bürger von Rovinj erinnern, die ihre Heimat verlassen haben, um in Pula bei der großen Uljanik-Werft Arbeit zu finden.
This Monument is dedicated to the Citizens of Rovinj who left their Home and moved to Pula between 1956 and 1981 to work in the Uljanik-Shipyard there.
Location: Am Felsenufer beim Gehweg unterhalb der St. Eufemia Basilika/Rock Shore at the Sidewalk below St. Eufemia Basilika
 Website with more information on either the memorial or the person(s) it is dedicated to: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Add another photo of the memorial. You and/or your GPS can be in the photo, but this isn't necessary.