Basilian Monastery - Krásny Brod, Slovakia
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Rikitan
N 49° 13.542 E 021° 53.746
34U E 565221 N 5452932
The Basilian monastery of Krasny Brod, located close to Medzilaborce in northeastern part of Slovakia. The monastery was founded in the 9th century, destroyed and rebuilt at least three times. New monastery is active in neighbourhood.
Waymark Code: WMKRXH
Location: Prešovský kraj, Slovakia
Date Posted: 05/25/2014
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member silverquill
Views: 11

The Basilian monastery of Krasny Brod, located near Medzilaborce was founded in the 9th century. Monastery takes important part of the St. Cyril and Methodius tradition in Slovakia - the reason why Krasny Brod is called "The Russniak Devin".


Oh, beloved pilgrims, stop and rest your weary selves upon this holy place! For once upon a time, upon this very place, our ancient Ruthenian ancestors performed human and animal sacrifices to the Pagan goddess Kupala-Slava. According to the historical documentation we have, these Pagan cultic rituals took place already in the 5th century before Christ.

Here in the 9th century, the apostoles to the Slavs, the Basilian monks, St. Cyril and Methodius, founded a monastery. Their monks prayed that this Ruthenian nation would convert from their false Pagan gods to the true God, one in the most holy Trinity. The lord God heard their zealous prayers strenghten by fasting. Indeed this place is penetrated by centuries-long prayers of these monks. It is as if their prayer flows out from this land and uplifts the heart of every man, who sets foot here.

Can't you feel it?

In 1603 the protestant noble drugeth ordered that this monastery be burnt to the ground. However, later, in a miraculous way, this same noble, after a change in his heart, commanded that the monastery be rebuilt. At the beginning of the 18th century, the monastery was destroyed a second time during the Rakoczy war. It was rebuilt once again.

However, in 1915, during the WW I, it was destroyed for the third time. Untill the end of communists regime in former Czechoslovakia, it was impossible to rennovate the monastery. Only in the 1998 basilian monks started to build a new monastery (new buildings in the backside of the ruins), which was finished in 2001. So with a help of God and generous benefactors, the monastery resurrected a third time.

Monastery objects:

Now you are standing upon a monastery grounds. The monastery was surrounded by a large wall that had only one entrance. The ruins of church is dedicated to the descent of the Holy Spirit. On the right side stands a chapel, dedicated to the protection of the Most-Holy Mother of God. To the left, past the ruins of the church, is situated a well, where in the 14th century took place a miracle. A blindman prayer for the return of his sight through intercession of the Most-Holy Mother of God and after having washed his eyes with the water from this well - his sight was returned.

We, the basilian fathers, welcome you to this Holy place!

Slovak description:

Monastyr zoslania Svateho Ducha v Krasnom Brode. Založený bol mníchmi baziliánskej rehole už v 9.storoci. Zrúcanina kláštora a kostola pochadza zo XVI. Storoèia. Jeho prvý drevený kostol spolu s kláštorom bol znièený r.1603. Pod¾a povesti ho dal postavi knieža Teodor Koriatoviè Podolský, starajúci sa o duchovné zabezpeèenie presídlencov spoza Karpát, ktorých do oblastí severovýchodného Zemplína priviedol. Roku 1752 bol vybudovaný barokový pútnický kostol a v roku 1759 postavili kláštor vedno s kaplnkou zázraèného Obrazu Krásnobrodskej Madony.

Kláštor i kostol v prvej svetovej vojne boli znièené a od roku 1915 ležia v ruinách. Zrúcanina kláštorného kostola Zostúpenia sv. Ducha je v súèasnosti zakonzervovaná. Kaplnka sa zachovala. Ve¾ká plocha okolo chrámu so starými lipami a gaštanmi slúžila ako cintorín mníchov. Na sever od chrámu bola studnièka s lieèivou vodou. Okolie a èas sadu boli ohradené kamenným múrom. V kláštornej knižnici sa nachádzalo približne dvetisíc zväzkov rôznych kníh vo viacerých jazykoch.

V súcasnosti sa Krásnobrodský monastier dodnes nachádza v rozvalinách. Po nežnej revolúcii sa do Krásneho Brodu opät vrátili baziliáni, ktorí sa o toto miesto starajú. Kaplnka „Pokrova“ je v dobrom stave. Ikona Krásnobrodskej Bohorodicky sa však stále docasne nachádza v cerkvi sv. Jána Krstitela v Krásnom Brode. V roku 2002 baziliáni vysvätili nový monastier, postavený len niekolko desiatok metrov od ruín toho starodávneho. V tomto case sa buduje chrám Pokrovu Presvätej Bohorodicky, v ktorom bude uložená ikona Krásnobrodskej Bohorodicky.

Sources / zdroje: information board in front of the church ruin,
Full name of the abbey/monastery/convent: Basilian Monastery of the descent of the Holy Spirit in Krásny Brod / Baziliánsky monastier Zoslania Svätého Ducha v Krásnom Brode

Krásny Brod, Prešovský kraj Slovakia

Religious affiliation: Basilian

Date founded/constructed: 9th century

Web Site: [Web Link]

Status of Use: Restored Ruin

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