Sexton's Tool House - Jacksonville Cemetery - Jacksonville, Oregon
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member ddtfamily
N 42° 19.055 W 122° 58.323
10T E 502303 N 4685038
Historical marker at the Sexton's tool shed in Jacksonville Cemetery
Waymark Code: WMJRKY
Location: Oregon, United States
Date Posted: 12/25/2013
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member silverquill
Views: 2

This marker describes the history of the Sexton's Tool House, a historic contributing structure within the Jacksonville Cemetery, a part of the Jacksonville National Historic District. The sign reads:


The Jacksonville Booster Club, in co-operation with
The American Revolution Bicentennial Commission
of Oregon, restored this building in 1975 to orig-
inal specifications, using square cut nails and
original species and types of lumber when it was
necessary to replace boards, moulding and siding.
Special grinding knives were cut in order to make
an exact duplication of the original mouldings and
sidings. A vault underneath still exists where bodies
were kept whenever the occasion required.

                Southern Oregon Historical Society

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Historic Topic: Pioneer

Group Responsible for placement: Historical Society

Marker Type: City

Region: Southern Oregon

County: Jackson

State of Oregon Historical Marker "Beaver Board": Not listed

Web link to additional information: Not listed

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