VG Marco - Aguieira, Portugal
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N 40° 21.255 W 008° 11.787
29T E 568235 N 4467386
This a benchmark located 199 meters above the sea level.
Waymark Code: WMHMRD
Location: Viseu, Portugal
Date Posted: 07/24/2013
Views: 4
In this benchmark you see the limits of two municipalities and the Mondego River, the biggest portuguese river.
You can park your vehicle in N 40º 21.277 W 008º 11.703, cross the road and then follow the track up the hill. When you see the water reservoirs you can't miss the benchmark.
Visit Instructions:
1. A closeup photo of the waymark with your GPS, or (a part of) you in it, is required.
2. An area photo including the waymark in the view is highly appreciated.
Logs not meeting the requirements are considered arm chair visits and are therefor subject for deletion.
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