Maple Ridge Wind Farm
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N 43° 43.548 W 075° 30.762
18T E 458705 N 4841546
Maple Ridge Wind Farm near Lowville New York will soon have 195 wind turbines generating 300 megawatts of electricity.
Waymark Code: WMH0W
Location: New York, United States
Date Posted: 07/10/2006
Views: 40
I've been driving by this area a couple of times a year for a long time, so I was surprised to see all the windmills that weren't there last year. I counted over 50 windmills visible along a short section of road just southwest of Lowville. There are over a hundred already built in the
Maple Ridge Wind Farm, with plans to have 195 by the end of 2006. The area is on the Tug Hill plateau, which gets a lot of wind from the west over Lake Ontario.