DB Museum Halle - Germany
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N 51° 29.536 E 011° 59.179
32U E 707302 N 5708798
The railway museum of Halle/Saale
Waymark Code: WMDT57
Location: Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Date Posted: 02/21/2012
Views: 13
The former locomotive shed in Halle (Saale) now houses the railway museum. It is a branch of the Nuremberg Museum.
On display there are several old vehicles, in particular the 03 1010 steam locomotive and the E 11 001 and E 18 31 electric locomotives. The vehicles are looked after by the Halle shed.
Museum Website: [Web Link]
 Actual railroad cars or locomotives on display?: yes
 Street Address: Berliner Straße, Halle
 Theater?: no
 Train ride provided?: Not Listed
 Admission fee?: Not listed
 Gift shop?: Not Listed
 Café/restaurant?: Not Listed
 Other features?: Not listed

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