Old Rock Mill - 308
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Mooroid
N 40° 59.592 W 111° 53.210
12T E 425407 N 4538380
Old Rock Mill - Farmington, Utah
Waymark Code: WMBB3T
Location: Utah, United States
Date Posted: 04/28/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member JacobBarlow
Views: 5

This building, erected in 1849-1850 by Willard Richards, was the first grist mill to serve the community. Rock and lumber came from the nearby canyon. James Leithead and Reuben Broadbent were the workmen. After the death of Dr. Richards, his brother, Franklin D. owned the mill. Later it was equipped as a power station to furnish electricity for the town; also served as an ice house. Many people have lived in this structure, presently known as Heidelberg Rock Farm.

This is a very cool area, but beware of the owners dogs. He let them out and they came right up to us but they weren't very friendly.
Marker Name: Old Rock Mill

Marker Number: 308

Marker Text:
This building, erected in 1849-1850 by Willard Richards, was the first grist mill to serve the community. Rock and lumber came from the nearby canyon. James Leithead and Reuben Broadbent were the workmen. After the death of Dr. Richards, his brother, Franklin D. owned the mill. Later it was equipped as a power station to furnish electricity for the town; also served as an ice house. Many people have lived in this structure, presently known as Heidelberg Rock Farm.

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Mooroid visited Old Rock Mill - 308 04/29/2011 Mooroid visited it
The_Simpsons visited Old Rock Mill - 308 04/29/2011 The_Simpsons visited it

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