Farol - Nazaré, Portugal
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N 39° 36.253 W 009° 05.129
29S E 492661 N 4383834
This fishing spot is located near the Nazaré's lighthouse
Waymark Code: WMB1EC
Location: Lisboa, Portugal
Date Posted: 03/23/2011
Views: 16
This fishing spot is located near the Nazaré's lighthouse, the access is done by the "Carreirinha", trough some inclined stairs.
This is a nice place to fish seabream, sheepshead, Gilt-head bream, and lots of other species.
Boat required: no
 Recommended tackle: Not listed
 Recommended fishing methods: Not listed
 Parking or Launch Coordinates: Not Listed
 Catch and Release Only: Not Listed
 FlyFishing Only: Not Listed
 USGS Real-Time Water Data: Not listed

Visit Instructions:We would like to hear about your experiance while you were there, what you caught, your fishing methods and tackel! Everyone has there own methods and we can all learn from each other! Post a picture with your log and show off your catch or the place you fished.
Anyone found logging a waymark without going to it will have their log deleted!