West Jordan - DUP #79
N 40° 36.481 W 111° 55.503
12T E 421742 N 4495655
DUP plaque at Pioneer Hall in West Jordan, Utah
Waymark Code: WMAX0F
Location: Utah, United States
Date Posted: 03/05/2011
Views: 23
This is one of two DUP plaques on the entrance of the historic Pioneer Hall building.
Marker Name: West Jordan
Marker Number: 79
Marker Text: In 1848 Samuel Egbert, Horace Ensign and Thomas Butterfield and families settled here. In 1849-1850 the settlers built the first canal from the Jordan River, In 1851 Samuel Mulliner tanned the first leather, in 1851 Matthew Gaunt build the first woolen mill in the west, In 1863 General Patrick E. Conner organized the first mining company. The Jordan Smelter was built in 1870 by J. W. Kerr and Isadore Morris. Archibald and Robert Gardner built a saw mill and later a grist mill.
Archibald Gardner Camp
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