Zámek Telc / Telc Chateau, Czech Republic
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member L@Troj
N 49° 11.108 E 015° 27.092
33U E 532903 N 5448134
CZ: Telcský zámek patrí mezi klenoty moravské renesacní architektury. EN: The Telc Chateau ranks among the gems of Moravian Renaissance architecture.
Waymark Code: WMATK3
Location: Kraj Vysočina, Czechia
Date Posted: 02/23/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Dorcadion Team
Views: 96


Zámek Telc
Telcský zámek patrí mezi klenoty moravské renesacní architektury. Jeho pritažlivost je tím vetší, že se zde díky citlivému prístupu majitelu k dedictví minulosti zachovaly ve velmi dobrém stavu puvodní interiéry. Mnoho z nich jsou reprezentativními príklady zásahu italského umení do našeho území, prípadne jeho promen v prostredí severne od Alp. Promena gotického hradu na renesancní sídlo se udála predevším za vlády již zmíneného Zachariáše z Hradce.

Zdroj informací / Další informace: "http://www.zamek-telc.eu/"


Telc Chateau
The Telc Chateau ranks among the gems of Moravian Renaissance architecture. Its attractiveness is enhanced by the very sensitive approach of the owners to its heritage, thus the original interiors have been preserved in very good condition. Many of them are representative examples of the influence of Italian art on our territory and of its variations in the area north of the Alps.
A Gothic castle was built in Telc in the second half of the 14th century. It was extended a hundred years later and after 1550 constructionally transformed. By building a Renaissance Chateau including the All Saints Chapel, the spectacular residence of one of the prominent Moravian noblemen, Zachariáš of Hradec, was created.

Source of the information / More information: "http://www.zamek-telc.eu/en/"
Date of origin:: 1553

Style: High Renaissance (ca. 1500–1550)

Web site of the object (if exists): [Web Link]

Type of building (structure): Chateau or castle

Národní památkový ústav Správa státního zámku Telč Nám. Zachariáše z Hradce 1 588 56 Telč

Architect(s): Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Logging requirements: Please upload your own personal photo of the building. You or your GPS can be in the picture, but it’s not a requirement.
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