Juarez Plaza Gazebo - Xalisco, Mexico
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N 21° 26.655 W 104° 54.014
13Q E 510337 N 2371318
This gazebo is located in Benito Juarez Garcia Plaza in Xalisco, Mexico.
Waymark Code: WMAGK4
Location: Mexico
Date Posted: 01/13/2011
Views: 4
This simple raised gazebo is located in the center of Benito Juarez Garcia Plaza in Xalisco, Mexico. The small town of Xalisco is located in the State of Nayarit and should not be confused with the larger city of Jalisco in Jalisco State- although the pronunciation of both municipalities is identical.
This gazebo and Plaza are across the street from the more prominent Miguel Hidalgo Plaza which is in front of the town's City Hall.
The gazebo has no seating available.
Seating Type: No Seating
 Location: in the center of Benito Juarez Garcia Plaza
 Materials Used: Other (Describe Below)
 Other Material Used: cement and cast iron

Visit Instructions:
A clear photo of the gazebo would be nice. Tell about your experience there.