Clifford Pound, Clifford Chambers, Warwickshire, UK
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Bear and Ragged
N 52° 10.201 W 001° 43.070
30U E 587686 N 5780723
Pound for the village of Clifford Chambers.
Waymark Code: WM8TB3
Location: West Midlands, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 05/10/2010
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Team Sieni
Views: 8

Local residents from the village of Clifford Chambers got together to renovate the old pound, which was overgrown and neglected, after a parish appraisal in 2001.

It was thought that its archaeological importance could be better acknowledged and the amenity of the site could be better improved.

The work was carried out by an ad-hoc group of volunteers, who called themselves The Clifford Pounders.

"Our project set out to renovate the pound, or pinfold as it was sometimes called, which had been identified in the village appraisal as in need of work. 'Pounds' were once common village features and served to keep stray animals away from precious farming land.

It was decided to tidy the area inside and outside of the pound, then plant a hedgerow, maintain trees already growing, add trees and specific plants, as well as create a meadow area.

To make the site more accessible it was decided to provide footpaths, add fences, a gate and a bench then provide an informative notice board to explain the historical nature of the site. It is hoped to make a pleasant, attractive area for wildlife to flourish and a place where villagers and visitors can relax."

An art event resulted in a large ceramic plaque that became part of the information board. A ‘Living Spaces’ grant was applied for for work on the playground. This will benefit wildlife, using creative work and a scientific approach to make the most of the area.

A local resident artist/architect was invited to draw an impression of the finished project.

Site supervision was carried out by a Chartered Builder who lives in the village.
A local blacksmith made the gate, bench and fence.
A local joiner from the village made the notice board.

Warwickshire County Council has helped with the tree surgery.

Grants were received from:
Heritage Lottery Fund: £16,785
Nationwide Building Society: £2,000

Finishing Date October 2003
Approximate dimensions: 15 x 15 feet

Condition: Well preserved or restored

Marked by sign?: yes

Construction Material: Brick

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2. The date of your visit.
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