Prehrada Dalešice / Water dam Dalesice
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N 49° 07.500 E 016° 07.330
33U E 581872 N 5441957
Prehrada Dalešice / Water dam Dalesice
Waymark Code: WM8DJE
Location: Kraj Vysočina, Czechia
Date Posted: 03/17/2010
Views: 148
Nejhlubší prehrada Ceské republiky byla vybudována v letech 1970-78 na rece Jihlave. Její sypaná hráz tesnená jílem nemá u nás svou výškou 104 metru obdoby. V nocních hodinách, kdy se sníží poptávka po energii, cerpadla s použitím elektriny z jaderných a uhelných elektráren prepraví vodu do horní nádrže precerpávací elektrárny Dalešice a v dobe špicky je voda pouštena na Francisovy turbíny s výkonem 450 MW. Soucástí soustavy je také prutocná elektrárna Mohelno. Pres 20 kilometru dlouhou vodní plochu využívají rovnež rekreanti a rybári. Prehrada navíc zajištuje vyrovnanost prutoku v rece pod nádrží Mohelno po celý rok. S technickým dílem se seznamují návštevníci prostrednictvím exkurzí do provozních cástí.
This, the deepest reservoir in the Czech Republic, was built on the River Jihlava between 1970 and 1978. With its height of 104 metres, the reservoir's clay-sealed earthen dam has no equal in this country. During off-peak hours, when energy demand decreases, pumps using electricity from nuclear and coal power stations transport water to the upper reservoir of the Dalešice pumping power station. In peak hours the water flows through Francis turbines with an output of 450 MW. The system also includes the Mohelno continuous-flow power station. The 20 kilometre-long expanse of water is used for recreational and fishing purposes. Apart from this the reservoir serves to balance the flow of water in the river below the Mohelno reservoir throughout the year. The operational premises of the dam are open to excursions providing visitors with an opportunity to get to know this technological marvel.
Waterway where the dam is located: Jihlava
 Main use of the Water Dam: Hydroelectric Power Production
 Material used in the structure: embankment
 Height of Dam: 104 m
 Fishing Allowed: yes
 Date built: Not listed
 Motor Sports Allowed: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
Photo of the Dam and a description of your visit.