World's Largest Tractor Weather Vane - Westlock, Alberta
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member wildwoodke
N 54° 09.021 W 113° 52.577
12U E 312165 N 6004072
The world's largest tractor weather vane, erected in the fall of 2006, is located just outside the Canadian Tractor Museum in Westlock, Alberta, Canada
Waymark Code: WM5R4B
Location: Alberta, Canada
Date Posted: 02/05/2009
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Dragontree
Views: 14

"The structure is more than 60 feet tall and has a real 1942 Case Model D tractor with scalloped steel wheels sitting at the top. It's attached to a 55-ft.-long pointer, and framework that includes a large ball bearing. The "feather" at the back end is 8 feet high and turns easily in the slightest breeze. The tractor points in the direction of the wind and the weather vane's directional pointers have magnetic north orientation.

Individuals and local businesses volunteered their time and expenses to building the attraction. The highly visible landmark compliments the museum itself as a tourist attraction, and the project took some sophisticated abilities and engineering to complete. From start to finish, the undertaking took a couple of years."

See their website: (visit link)
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