FIRST - Utility Pole in Rural New Hampshire
Posted by: BruceS
N 43° 14.315 W 072° 12.614
18T E 726513 N 4791088
Historical marker noting the date when the first utility pole was place in rural New Hampshire leading to the electrification of rural New Hampshire.
Waymark Code: WM4XEZ
Location: New Hampshire, United States
Date Posted: 10/09/2008
Views: 7
""On nearby Allen Road on December 4, 1939, the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative set its first utility pole, an important event in bringing electric service to the farms, mills, and homes of the New Hampshire countryside. A group of citizens formed the Cooperative and, with funding from the federal Rural Electrification Administration (REA), built and maintained its own power lines. By 2001, the member-owned Cooperative served more than 70,000 members and remained the state's only electric cooperative." ~ text of marker
FIRST - Classification Variable: Item or Event
Date of FIRST: 12/04/1939
More Information - Web URL: Not listed
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