Liverpool - Cunard Building War Memorial
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N 53° 24.294 W 002° 59.766
30U E 500259 N 5917313
A bronze figure of Peace on a marble Column,
no names are listed.
Waymark Code: WM3ZKD
Location: United Kingdom
Date Posted: 06/12/2008
Views: 33
1914 - 1918
1939 - 1945
Several of the memorials have the following quotation, either in full or partly.
"Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"
[It is sweet and proper to die for one's country]."
Type of Memorial: Multi-War Memorial
 Wars mentioned (Multi-war only): Both WORLD WARS
1914 - 1918
1939 - 1945
 In Honor Of: no inscription
 Marker Text: PRO PATRIA
 Date of dedication: 10/1/1921
 Who Put it Here?: Cunard Shipping Co.
 Description of Memorial: In front of the Cunard Shipping Building, on the Pier Head, Liverpool.Lancashire

Visit Instructions:
Visited Logs must contain, at least, a picture of the monument and your GPSr. Preferably YOU at the monument with your GPSr, but we understand that some people are camera-shy.
It is suggested you please include something about your visit here, as well.