The Balanced Rock - Town of North Salem, NY
Posted by: POCrow222
N 41° 20.045 W 073° 34.298
18T E 619520 N 4576828
A Balanced Rock in The Town of North Salem, NY Westchester County.
Waymark Code: WM3099
Location: New York, United States
Date Posted: 01/19/2008
Views: 147
The coordinates will lead you to "The Balanced Rock" of North Salem. From appearances, it is an interesting glacial erratic: a hugh boulder that came to rest upon five pegstones as the glaciers withdrew up the Hudson Valley. Some argue however that it is a man-made memorial created by Celtic people for one of their ancient kings - akin to dolmens found in Celtic lands, notably Ireland. Who knows? Maybe, unbeknownst to Leif Ericsson, there were some Celtic stowaways with advanced engineering skills on the trip to Finland...
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