Burger Chef - Greenbriar- Indianapolis
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N 39° 54.749 W 086° 10.936
16S E 569890 N 4418363
Located at 1318 W 86th Street near 86th & Ditch road (Greenbriar). Vintage photo referenced from Lost Indiana website.
Waymark Code: WM2DCQ
Location: Indiana, United States
Date Posted: 10/15/2007
Views: 70
This was my local Burger Chef when I was a youngster. Attached are some old photos of opening day around 1970. I frequented this location during the mid to late 70 so the logo and signage has changed to the smiley face format. I also fondly remember the Star Wars fun meals.
Note the covered drive thru that is a dead giveaway of the retrofitted burger chefs (after the "Cosmo" architecture change).
To view the Richard Patton photos from opening day go to: (
visit link)
Note the "Big Shef" advertisement in the front window. I wonder if Hardees has brought in special flame broilers for this promotion... have I mentioned that I HATE Hardee's with a passion?