Bright Pearl - Chinatown Victoria, BC
N 48° 25.747 W 123° 22.014
10U E 472858 N 5364061
This is an amazing interactive globe/map of the world, free floating in water with brushes that clean the sphere as you rotate it. Very Cool! These are called Kugel balls and are usually made of stone. This one is made of stainless steel.
Waymark Code: WM249D
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Date Posted: 09/01/2007
Views: 79
As a centre piece between Centennial Square and historic Chinatown, the Bright Pearl honors the many people who immigrated here from the Pearl River Vally in China. Located at the corner of Fisgard and Government in Chinatown near Centennial Square.
From Wiki: (
visit link)
A Kugel ball is a sculpture consisting of a large granite ball supported by a very thin film of water. Water flows beneath a very heavy, perfectly spherical rock from a spherical concave base with the exact same curvature. A Kugel ball can weigh thousands of pounds, but because the thin film of water lubricates it, the ball spins easily.