ES: "La documentación del Monasterio permite situar los edificios que funcionaron en su día como cárceles de hombres y de mujeres. Se trata de una cubierta a dos aguas realizada con teja mixta. Presenta muros de piedra granítica trabajados con mampostería."
EN: "The documentation of the Monastery allows us to locate the buildings that once functioned as prisons for men and women. It is a gable roof made with mixed tile. It has granite stone walls worked with masonry.".
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Now It's beds and breakfast.
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One plaque of the two that I added says (the same os in the web):
The monasterys documentation makes it possible for us to locate the buildings that, in their heyday, served as prisons for men and for women. It consists of a gabled roof built of an assortment of tiles and granite walls built with masonry."