Svalebøgen - Gjerrild, DK
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Heva
N 56° 30.408 E 010° 48.800
32V E 611601 N 6263960
Stamme med en Omkreds på 12,5M
Waymark Code: WM166H1
Location: Region Midtjylland, Denmark
Date Posted: 05/19/2022
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
Views: 3

Svalebøgen i Gjerrild er et af landets mest kendte bøgetræer, og sa stort et kendetegn for byen, at Gjerrild Borgerforening har valgt den som sit logo. Selv Naturstyenreisen mener, at tr æet er enest ående i størrelse og historisk værdi, og i 2012 vurderede de at træet under ingen omstandigheder skutte fælpes endnu.

Træets enorme størrelse kommer af, at det ef en flerstammet bøg. At en bøg er flerstammet kan have flere ärsager. Hvis man saver en bøg over ved roden,et der sandsynlighed for, at der fra roden kan skyde flere stammer. Men det menes, at Svalebøgen er blevet flerstammet på grund af mus, somhar gemt et forråd af bog i jorden. Den flerstammede bøg er resultatetaf, at flere af høgens frø har spiret i jorden. Måske er det endda tale om, at Svalebøgen består af flere træen, der har spiret samme sted.

Navnet på Svalebøgen har intet at gøre med om fuglen svalen, som man ellers kunnen tro, Derimod hentyder navnet til, at man under træets enorme krone kan svale sig i dens skygge. Ingen ved, hvor gammel Svalebøgen egentigs er, men omkredsen på Svalebøgens stamme på næsten 13 meter vidner om, at træet er nogle år. Det betyder ogsa, at træet er i sin dødsfase, og beskæring ikke kan hverken forhindre eller forsinke træets forfald. Man sikrer dog løbende, at vægten på træet reduceres, og at Svalebøgen grene ikke generer trafikken.

tekst fra infoskilt nær træet (se billede)

[EN] used google translate
Svalebøgen in Gjerrild is one of the country's most famous beech trees, and such a great characteristic of the city that Gjerrild Borgerforening has chosen it as its logo. Even Naturstyenreisen believes that the tree is the only breath of fresh air in size and historical value, and in 2012 they assessed that the tree under no circumstances should be felled yet.

The enormous size of the tree comes from the fact that it is a multi-stemmed beech. That a beech is multi-stemmed can have several causes. If you saw a beech over at the root, there is a probability that several trunks can shoot from the root. But it is believed that the Swallow Book has become multi-stemmed due to mice, which have hidden a supply of book in the ground. The multi-stemmed beech is the result of several of the hawk's seeds sprouting in the ground. Perhaps it is even the case that the Svalebøgen consists of several trees that have sprouted in the same place.

The name of the Svalebøgen has nothing to do with the bird swallow, as you might otherwise think. No one knows how old Svalebøgen really is, but the circumference of Svalebøgen's trunk of almost 13 meters testifies that the tree is some years old. It also means that the tree is in its death phase and pruning can neither prevent nor delay the decay of the tree. However, it is continuously ensured that the weight of the tree is reduced and that the Swallow beech branches do not disturb the traffic.

text from info sign near the tree (see picture)
Genus/Species: Fagus Sylvatica

Height: 50

Girth: 41

Method of obtaining height: Sighting along a 45 degree angle

Method of obtaining girth: Reliable source

Location type: Other public property

Age: 330

Website reference: [Web Link]

Historical significance: Not listed

Planter: Not listed

Parking coordinates: Not Listed

Walk time: Not Listed

Photograpy coordinates: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
A closeup picture of your GPS receiver in your hand, with the tree in the background, is required. If the tree is on private property, this closeup photograph with the tree in the background may be taken from the nearest public vantage point without actually going to the tree.
The required photograph does not need to show the entire tree, but the individual tree must be recognizable.
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