Nautelankoski - Lieto, Finland
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N 60° 33.576 E 022° 27.299
34V E 579776 N 6714617
Nautelankosken perhokalastusalue / Flyfishing only area.
Waymark Code: WM160ZY
Location: Finland
Date Posted: 04/10/2022
Views: 3
Onginta on kielletty koko alueella, vain perhokalastus on sallittu luvan kanssa. Koskeen istutetaan säännöllisesti pyyntikokoisia kirjolohia ja lisäksi merestä nousee taimenia. Taimen on ympäri vuoden rauhoitettu!
Pyyntilupia voi ostaa Liedon SEO- huoltoasemalta tai helpommin matkapuhelimella. Ohjeet ja kartta on koordinaateissa.
Lupia on kaksi erilaista:
#1 12 tunnin Pyydystä ja päästä
#2 12 tunnin Saalislupa
Osoite: Nautelankoskentie 40, 21360 Lieto
This is flyfishing only area, all other fishing styles are forbidden. No other restrictions. You need a permit to fish here. They regularly plant proper sized rainbow trout to this rapid and trout rise from sea. Trout is protected all year round!
You can buy fishing permit from Lieto SEO- gas station or easier with your mobile phone. Instructions and the map are at the coordinates.
There are two types of permits:
#1 12 hours Catch and release
#2 12 hours Fishing permit
Address: Nautelankoskentie 40, 21360 Lieto
Recommended tackle: Any fly
 Recommended fishing methods: Flyfishing only
 Boat required: no
 Parking or Launch Coordinates: N 60° 33.572 W 022° 27.227
 Catch and Release Only: no
 FlyFishing Only: yes
 USGS Real-Time Water Data: Not listed

Visit Instructions:We would like to hear about your experiance while you were there, what you caught, your fishing methods and tackel! Everyone has there own methods and we can all learn from each other! Post a picture with your log and show off your catch or the place you fished.
Anyone found logging a waymark without going to it will have their log deleted!