EDAR Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Wizard_Speed_Time
N 39° 00.891 W 001° 50.926
30S E 599667 N 4319054
Estación Depuradora de Aguas Residuales de Albacete - Albacete Wastewater Treatment Plant
Waymark Code: WM15FQX
Location: Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Date Posted: 12/29/2021
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member bluesnote
Views: 2

El proceso de depuración empleado en la Estación de Depuración de Aguas Residuales de Albacete es el de Lechos Bacterianos, y es gestionada por Aguas de Albacete desde 2009.
Las tecnologías con las que cuenta la EDAR de Albacete son las siguientes:
  • Línea de agua convencional (2 líneas de tratamiento, urbana e industrial).
  • Decantación primaria y secundaria.
  • Reactores biológicos tipo lechos bacterianos.
  • Línea de lodos: concentración de lodos primarios y lodos biológicos por gravedad.
  • Digestión anaeróbica a 35 ºC, 2 digestores (7.672 m3/ud), TRL de 20 días.
  • Producción y gestión de 1.800 Tm/año de lodo deshidratado.


The treatment process used at the Albacete Wastewater Treatment Station is Bacterial Beds, and it has been managed by Aguas de Albacete since 2009.
The technologies available to the Albacete WWTP are the following:
  • Conventional water line (2 treatment lines, urban and industrial).
  • Primary and secondary settling.
  • Bacterial bed type biological reactors.
  • Sludge line: concentration of primary sludge and biological sludge by gravity.
  • Anaerobic digestion at 35 ºC, 2 digesters (7,672 m3 / unit), 20-day TRL.
  • Production and management of 1,800 Tm / year of dehydrated sludge.
What is the capacity of the facility?: 62.832 liters

Describe the biological treatment technology used.:
Reactores biológicos tipo lechos bacterianos.

How are biosolids (sludge) managed?: Producción y gestión de 1.800 Tm/año de lodo deshidratado.

What technology is used for disinfection prior to dicharge of treated water?: Digestión anaeróbica a 35 ºC, 2 digestores (7.672 m3/ud), TRL de 20 días.

Who is the owner/operator fo the facility?: Aguas de Albacete

What is the website of the WWTP?: [Web Link]

How is the facility governed?: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Please post at least 2 original photographs of the site. We would much rather see photos of the plant itself as opposed to the front office, but we also understand that security and site layout may limit your opportunities.
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Wizard_Speed_Time visited EDAR Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) 12/29/2021 Wizard_Speed_Time visited it