Molenrivier 3322-56
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member roadrunred
S 33° 49.794 E 022° 51.084
34H E 671324 N 6255162
A quick hike along a precipitous ridge line from the apple orchard
Waymark Code: WM153PG
Location: Western Cape, South Africa
Date Posted: 10/10/2021
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member surreptitious007
Views: 1

Beacon in good condiion and not too much debris left around.
Altitude (m): 1410

Beacon Type: Peak

Beacon Construction: Stan Plat

Visit Instructions:
We don't require you to provide any specific proof of your visit, but we do request that you upload photos if possible, the more the merrier.

Ideally, you should try to take photos at the actual beacon location, but if that isn't possible (private property, terrain, etc), then photos taken from a distance are also welcome, especially if the beacon is visible in the photo.

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