Ontario Beach Park - Battle of the Bulge Memorial
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N 43° 15.496 W 077° 36.501
18T E 288285 N 4792799
This memorial is dedicated to the soldiers that fought in the Battle of the Bulge in WW2. It is located North of Rochester, NY at the enterance to Ontario Beach Park.
Waymark Code: WM14KH
Location: New York, United States
Date Posted: 01/13/2007
Views: 76
This memorial is dedicated to all the soldiers that fought in the Battle of the Bulge. The Battle of the Bulge was fought in the forrests of the Ardennes region from December 16, 1944 to January 25, 1945. Often referred to as "Hitler's Last Gamble", the battle occurred when Hitler sent the last remains of the Wehrmacht army to drive a wedge between the American and British armies.
Hoping to recreate the Wehrmacht's stunning offensives at the opening of Worl War Two, Hitler gathered all his forces together to strike out through the tough terrain of the Ardenne forrests and drive towards Antwerp Belgium. When he reached Antwerp, Adolf Hitler hoped to strike peace deals with the Allied powers. The attack was unsuccessful in this respect. But it remains one of the most bloodiest battles on the Western Front in Europe.
The memorial is a beautiful stone slab, erected near the entrance gate to the park.
Date of Dedication: 10/15/2005
 Property Permission: Public
 Access instructions: Parking is available in any of the many parking lots around Ontario Beach Park.
 Access times: From: 7:00 AM To: 11:00 PM
 Location of waymark: 4650 Lake Avenue Rochester, NY United States 14612
 Commemoration: The Battle of the Bulge
 Website for Waymark: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
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