L'abîme de la chawresse, Esneux - Belgique
N 50° 33.517 E 005° 35.921
31U E 684060 N 5603968
L'entrée de la grotte, se trouve dans le lit de la rivière qui porte le même nom.
The entrance to the cave is in the bed of the river of the same name.
Waymark Code: WM13F50
Location: Liège, Belgium
Date Posted: 11/28/2020
Views: 5
Type of Land: Other
Managed By: Union Belge de Spéléologie ASBL
Contact Info: +32 81 23 00 09
Website: [Web Link]
Type of Cave: Karst Cave
Contains Stalactites: yes
Contains Stalagmites: yes
Contains Bats: yes
Price of Admission: 0.00 (listed in local currency)
Visit Instructions:
Please include a digital photograph of the cave which documents your visit and any information that may be helpful for future visitors.