Kittiewan Plantation - Charles City VA
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N 37° 18.348 W 077° 02.898
18S E 318472 N 4130763
Land referred to as Kenwon, mentioned in a 1618 grant to Gov. George Yeardley. Patented in 1632 by Lennon Pierce. Occupied by Union Army in June 1864.
Waymark Code: WM137VC
Location: Virginia, United States
Date Posted: 10/05/2020
Views: 0
Kittiewan Plantation-Colonial home of Dr. William Rickman, Head Surgeon of the Continental Army of Virginia, and wife Elizabeth Harrison Rickman Edmondson, of Berkeley.
Original section constructed ca. 1770-1790, shed roof addition added ca. 1840.
Land referred to as Kenwon, mentioned in a 1618 grant to Gov. George Yeardley. Patented in 1632 by Lennon Pierce. Occupied by Union Army in June 1864.
LOCATION: Marker is in Charles City, Virginia, in Charles City County. Marker is on Weyanoke Road. Marker is at or near this postal address: 12104 Weyanoke Road, Charles City VA 23030, United States of America.
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