AAU, Aarhus University - Denmark
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member kallehaugerne
N 56° 10.021 E 010° 12.094
32V E 574613 N 6225318
Aarhus Universitets herbarium rummer ca. 750.000 indsamlinger af pressede og tørrede planter. The herbarium of Aarhus University houses about 750,000 specimens of dried and pressed plants.
Waymark Code: WM12GYY
Location: Denmark
Date Posted: 05/26/2020
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
Views: 8

"Aarhus Universitets herbarium rummer ca. 750.000 indsamlinger af pressede og tørrede planter. Hertil kommer en stor samling af glas- og små plasticflasker med blomster og frugter konserveret i alkohol og en mængde større plantedele, der er tørret i hel tilstand, fordi de ikke kan presses — for eksempel palmefrugter og lignende. Herbariet rummer også en voksende samling af bladprøver tørret i silica gel med henblik på DNA-analyse.

Digitalisering af planterne
Herbariet rummer indsamlinger fra hele verden, men er specielt rigt på indsamlinger fra det vestlige Sydamerika, Sydøstasien og Vestafrika. Der er også en stor og værdifuld samling af danske planter.

Palmer, græsser, bregner, ingefær- og bælgplanter er specielt godt repræsenteret i Herbariets samlinger.

De senere år har digitalisering af samlingerne haft en fremtrædende betydning. Herbariets database, med digital information om mere end 130.000 indsamlinger, er tilgængelig for søgning on-line, og Herbariet leverer et stort datasæt til den internationale biodiversitetsdatabase Global Biodiversity Information Facility.

Herbariet med standard forkortelsen AAU blev etableret i 1963. Dets nuværende bygning blev indviet i 1987. Siden 2012 har Herbariet været en del af Science Museerne ved Aarhus Universitet."

Kilde: (visit link)

"The herbarium of Aarhus University houses about 750,000 specimens of dried and pressed plants. In addition there is a large liquid collection of flowers and fruits preserved in alcohol and a collection of bulky plant parts not suitable for pressing – such as large palm fruits etc. There is also a growing collection of leaf material dried in silica gel for use in DNA analyses.

The herbarium houses plant collections from all over the world, but is especially rich in collections from western South America, Southeast Asia, and the Sahel region in West Africa. There is also a rich collection of Danish flora. Palms, grasses, pteridophytes, gingers and legumes are particularly well represented in the collections.

Digitalization of the collections is a major priority. The herbarium database holds more than 130,000 records and is available for on-line search. The herbarium also provides a large dataset to the international network available through Global Biodiversity Information Facility.

The herbarium with the standard abbreviation AAU was established in 1963 and its present home was constructed in 1987. Since 2012 the herbarium has been part of the Science Museums, Aarhus University."

(visit link)

Science Museums
Aarhus University
Ole Worms Alle 1., Build. 1137
Aarhus C DK-8000
Herbarium Acronym: AAU

Institution Association: University

Type of Structure: Seperate structure

City: Aarhus

Special Collections: Western part of South America, Souteast Asia and Western Africa

Parking: N 56° 10.035 W 010° 12.077

Index Herbariorum Site Link: [Web Link]

Special Projects: Not listed

Visitation possible: Not Listed

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