Water Tower - Evan, Czechia
Posted by: ashberry
N 50° 23.003 E 014° 01.577
33U E 430773 N 5581711
Historická vodárenská vež v Evani, okres Litomerice / Historical water tower in Evan, Litomerice district
Waymark Code: WM11H0A
Location: Ústecký kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 10/23/2019
Views: 14
CZ: Historická vodárenská vež v centru obce Evan. Na budove je nápis: VODOJEM PRO OBEC EVAN P.LP 1923. Vodojem se již nepoužívá, jeho funkci prevzal podzemní vodojem v obci Evan - Horka (obsah 100 m3).
EN: Historic water tower in the center of the village Evan. There is a sign on the building: WATER TANK FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF EVAN BUILT A.D. 1923. The water tank is no longer used, its function was taken over by the underground water reservoir in the village of Evan - Horka (capacity 100 m3).
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