Basilique Notre-Dame-des-Enfants - Chateauneuf sur Cher - France
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
N 46° 51.510 E 002° 19.316
31T E 448313 N 5189663
La basilique Notre-Dame-des-Enfants est un édifice religieux du XIX e siècle situé à Châteauneuf-sur-Cher. Notre-Dame-des-Enfants Basilica is a 19th century religious building located in Châteauneuf-sur-Cher.
Waymark Code: WM11B9M
Location: Centre-Val-de-Loire, France
Date Posted: 09/20/2019
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Iris & Harry
Views: 11

Credits : (visit link)

"Consacrée à Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul, la basilique de Châteauneuf-sur-Cher est le seul édifice religieux en France à être dédié aux enfants.

L’histoire commence en 1861: l’abbé DUCROS est nommé à la cure de Châteauneuf-sur-Cher et l’église qu’il découvre est quasiment en ruine. Il a donc l’idée, pour la reconstruire, d’ouvrir une souscription en demandant deux sous à tous les enfants de France. Les dons affluent ainsi que de nombreuses lettres. Dans l’une d’elles, une petite fille de dix ans évoque pour la première fois « notre Dame des Enfants ». L’idée est adoptée par tous et est créée en 1866 la confrérie « Notre Dame des Enfants ». En 1869, la première pierre est posée et en 1879, la basilique est ouverte au culte.En 1886, l’édifice est achevé et dix ans plus tard, le pape Léon XIII l’érigera en basilique.

Longue de quatre-vingt mètres, elle est partagée en onze travées auxquelles s’ajoute la chapelle Notre Dame des Enfants. Sa grande nef comporte deux rangées de colonnes élancées qui donnent l’impression d’une élévation considérable, alors que la hauteur réelle des clés de voûte est de 21 mètres. Les nombreux vitraux de la basilique forment un véritable instrument pédagogique.

Son orgue centenaire date de 1889 et est l’oeuvre de CAVAILLE-COLL, facteur d’orgue renommé. Sa sonorisation est admirable et des concerts sont organisés chaque été. Il est aujourd’hui classé monument historique.

Depuis 1983, la Basilique est inscrite sur l’inventaire supplémentaire des monuments historiques. Elles est ouverte tous les jours de la semaine et une visite guidée est possible sur rendez-vous au

Le pèlerinage « Notre Dame des Enfants » est organisé le premier dimanche de Mai."

"Dedicated to Saint-Pierre and Saint-Paul, the Basilica of Châteauneuf-sur-Cher is the only religious building in France dedicated to children.

The story begins in 1861: Father DUCROS was appointed to the parish church of Châteauneuf-sur-Cher and the church he discovered was almost in ruins. He therefore had the idea, to rebuild it, to open a subscription by asking all the children of France for two cents. Donations are coming in as well as many letters. In one of them, a ten-year-old girl recalls for the first time "Our Lady of Children". The idea was adopted by all and in 1866 the brotherhood "Notre Dame des Enfants" was created. In 1869, the first stone was laid and in 1879, the basilica was opened for worship; in 1886, the building was completed and ten years later, Pope Leo XIII erected it as a basilica.

Eighty metres long, it is divided into eleven bays and the Notre Dame des Enfants chapel is added. Its large nave has two rows of slender columns that give the impression of a considerable elevation, while the actual height of the keystones is 21 metres. The many stained glass windows of the basilica are a real educational tool.

Its centenary organ dates back to 1889 and is the work of CAVAILLE-COLL, a renowned organ builder. Its sound system is admirable and concerts are organised every summer. It is now classified as a historical monument.

Since 1983, the Basilica has been listed on the additional inventory of historical monuments. It is open every day of the week and a guided tour is possible by appointment on

The "Our Lady of the Children" pilgrimage is organized on the first Sunday in May."

Translated with
Date the Church was built, dedicated or cornerstone laid: 08/29/1863

Age of Church building determined by?: Church website

If denomination of Church is not part of the name, please provide it here: Catholic

Street address of Church:
6 Rue du Champ de Foire
Chateauneuf sur Cher, France

Primary website for Church or Historic Church Building: [Web Link]

If Church is open to the public, please indicate hours: Not listed

If Church holds a weekly worship service and "all are welcome", please give the day of the week: Not listed

Indicate the time that the primary worship service is held. List only one: Not Listed

Secondary Website for Church or Historic Church Building: Not listed

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1) A photo of the church is required for visits to a waymark.

2) Please share some comments about your visit.

3) Additional photos are encouraged. If you can have information in addition to that already provided about this church, please share it with us.

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Blanko36 visited Basilique Notre-Dame-des-Enfants - Chateauneuf sur Cher - France 08/24/2022 Blanko36 visited it