Mexica Tiahui - San Luis, Co, USA
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N 37° 12.003 W 105° 25.573
13S E 462176 N 4117150
Designed and painted by local students, the 'Mexica Tiahui' mural explores the students reclaiming their indigenous heritage.
Waymark Code: WM103MN
Location: Colorado, United States
Date Posted: 02/19/2019
Views: 6
"Mexica Tiahui!
I’ve always known the spirited sentiment to mean “Mexican (Indigenous) Moving/Go Forward!” It is used as a positive exclamation mostly by Chicanah (Chican@) people in the United States who are using “Mexica” as an identity point in reclaiming their Indigenous self.
From my Nahuatl dictionary research, Tiahui is a form of the the word Tihui: “to go do something.” which, if not mistaken, is a variation of the word Titix(tli) which means to “go gather, discover, be resourceful.” It should be noted that Nahuatl words are often poetically technical and can have dimensions to their meaning. We should not assume Nahuatl words and expressions to be limited to literal, rigid, and mechanical purposes as they are often approached in the English language." (from (
visit link) )
This large mural features the students of San Luis (who were the designers and artists), Spanish explorers/conquerors, the Catholic Church, and Aztec monuments and peoples.