MHM Postage Stamp Province - Piney MB
Posted by: PeterNoG
N 49° 00.039 W 095° 58.709
15U E 282162 N 5431803
These bilingual Manitoba Historical Markers are just north of the Customs Office at Piney MB.
Waymark Code: WMCYMY
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Date Posted: 10/27/2011
Views: 7
Marker Name: Postage Stamp Province
Agency: The Historic Sites Advisory Board of Manitoba
Languages: English, French
Location: Customs Office
US Border
Piney MB
Marker Text: Postage Stamp Province
Here ran the original east boundary of the Province of Manitoba. On July 15, 1870 Manitoba officially became a Canadian province. It then measured about 130 miles east to west and 110 miles north to south, with an area of 13,928 square miles. Its size and shape gave it the nickname "the Postage Stamp Province." Boundaries were extended in 1881 and 1912.
La Province Timbre-Poste
Ici passait la frontière est de la Province du Manitoba le 15 juillet 1870, alors qu'elle devenait officiellement province canadienne. Le Manitoba mesurait alors environ 130 milles d'est en ouest, et 110 milles du nord au sud, et sa surface était de 13,928 milles carrés. Sa petite taille ainsi que sa forme lui valurent le surnom de «province timbre-poste». Son territoire fut agrandi en 1881 et 1912.
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