Ancien Canon à Alghero- Sardaigne, Italie
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Georgioturino
N 40° 33.629 E 008° 18.659
32T E 441669 N 4490196
On voit ici un des canons anciens sur les remparts de la vieille ville d'Alghero, visant les falaises de Capo Caccia. Here you can see one of the ancient cannons on the ramparts of the old town of Alghero, aiming at the cliffs of Capo Caccia.
Waymark Code: WM19ATJ
Location: Sardegna, Italy
Date Posted: 01/11/2024
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member bluesnote
Views: 0

Ces canons ont été construits par les Doria au XIIe siècle, puis fortifiés par les Catalo-Aragonais. La vieille ville d'Alghero était ceinte d'un épais mur défensif avec des tours de guet. Bien que réaménagés, la promenade est toujours possible sur ces remparts, l'idéal étant de choisir l'heure du coucher du soleil. Les fortifications sont donc ponctuées de plusieurs tours : la tour de La Maddalena, la tour de San Giacomo, octogonale, édifiée au XVe siècle, la tour de l’Espero Reial du XVIe siècle, mesurant plus de 25 m de hauteur, et la tour del Portal du XIVe siècle. (Réf. Petit futé 2024).

These cannons were built by the Doria in the 12th century and then fortified by the Catalo-Aragonese. The old town of Alghero was surrounded by a thick defensive wall with watchtowers. Although they have been redesigned, it is still possible to walk on these ramparts, the ideal being to choose the time of sunset. The fortifications are therefore punctuated by several towers:the tower of La Maddalena, the octagonal tower of San Giacomo, built in the fifteenth century, the tower of the Espero Reial from the sixteenth century, measuring more than 25 m in height, and the tower of the Portal from the fourteenth century. (Ref. Petit futé 2024).
What type of artillery is this?: Artillerie lourde

Where is this artillery located?: Monument grounds

What military of the world used this device?: Italienne

Artillery is no longer operational: no

Still may work: no

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Date artillery was in use: Not listed

Date artillery was placed on display: Not listed

Parking location to view this Waymark: Not Listed

Cost?: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
Two pictures are required for this Waymark. Please take a close up picture of the artillery. Take a second with the artillery in the distance and capture as much of the surroundings as possible. Name the Waymark with first the name of the area and second what the artillery is. An example would be if it were a cannon in front of the Montgomery Armory you would name the Waymark: Montgomery Armory Cannon.
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