St. Nicholas of Tolentino // sv. Mikuláš Tolentinský - Hrubý Jeseník, Czech Republic
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member ToRo61
N 50° 14.818 E 015° 05.554
33U E 506600 N 5566093
Nicholas of Tolentino (c. 1246 – September 10, 1305), known as the Patron of Holy Souls, was an Italian saint and mystic
Waymark Code: WM126AE
Location: Středočeský kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 03/09/2020
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
Views: 10

Nicholas became a monk at 18, and seven years later, he was ordained a priest. He gained a reputation as a preacher and a confessor. In Tolentino, Nicholas worked as a peacemaker in a city torn by strife between the Guelphs and Ghibellines who, in the conflict for control of Italy, supported the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor respectively.

Nicholas was canonized by Pope Eugene IV (also an Augustinian) in 1446. He was the first Augustinian to be canonized. At his canonization, Nicholas was credited with three hundred miracles, including three resurrections.

There are many tales and legends which relate to Nicholas. One says the devil once beat him with a stick, which was then displayed for years in his church. In another, Nicholas, a vegetarian, was served a roasted fowl, for which he made the sign of the cross, and it flew out a window. Nine passengers on a ship going down at sea once asked Nicholas' aid, and he appeared in the sky, wearing the black Augustinian habit, radiating golden light, holding a lily in his left hand, and with his right hand, he quelled the storm. An apparition of the saint, it is said, once saved the burning palace of the Doge of Venice by throwing a piece of blessed bread on the flames. He was also reported to have resurrected over one hundred dead children, including several who had drowned together.

The general attributes of sculpture of St. Nicholas of Tolentino: Augustinian holding a bird on a plate in the right hand and a crucifix on the other hand; holding a basket of bread, giving bread to a sick person; holding a lily or a crucifix garlanded with lilies; with a star above him or on his breast

Source and more information: (visit link)


Mikuláš Tolentinský (narozen kolem 1246, Sant' Angelo, Ponatano, Itálie – 10. zárí 1305, Tolentino, Itálie) byl augustiniánský mnich a katolický svatý. Vetšinu života prožil v italském Tolentinu, venoval se pomoci chudým a bezmocným, podle legend vykonal radu zázraku.

Ríká se, že Mikuláš Tolentinský vzkrísil pres sto detí (vcetne nekolika, které se utopily). Podle legendy byl Mikuláš Tolentinský vegetarián. Když jednou dostal pecené kure, udelal nad ním znamení kríže a kure obživlo a vyletelo ven oknem.

Podle další legendy se jednou objevil dábel a zacal bít Mikuláše Tolentinského holí. Tato hul pak byla radu let vystavena v jeho kostele.

Další legenda tvrdí, že Mikuláš Tolentinský zachránil 9 námorníku a jejich lod pred potopením – zjevil se jim poté, co se k nemu zacali modlit, v levé ruce mel lilii a pravou rukou zastavil bouri.

Obecné atributy vyobrazení sv. Mikuláše: jako poustevník, liliový stonek, kniha, miska s dvema pecenými ptáky, cert, kalich, kríž, dutky

Zdroj: (visit link)
Associated Religion(s): Roman-catholic

Statue Location: south part of Hrubý Jesenik village

Entrance Fee: free

Website: [Web Link]

Artist: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Take a picture of the statue. A waymarker and/or GPSr is not required to be in the image but it doesn't hurt.
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