Richmond Gasometer - Richmond, CA
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member saopaulo1
N 37° 55.603 W 122° 22.681
10S E 554662 N 4197866
A gasometer by Hway 580 in Richmond.
Waymark Code: WMAFY0
Location: California, United States
Date Posted: 01/10/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member small oaks
Views: 15

The gasometer is on a facility that produces gas for companies. The site is on the corner of Canal St and the off ramp.
Usage: In use

Type of gasometer: Rigid waterless

Shape of the gasometer: Sphere

Hight: 100 Ft

Building year: Not listed

What year usage ended!: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Take at least one picture of the gasometer. The angle of the photo can be different from the original. Tell about your visit.
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