East 17 - Nagykanizsa, Hungary
Posted by: taska
N 46° 27.362 E 016° 59.893
33T E 653449 N 5146657
A globe sculpture in Nagykanizsa, not exactly on E17, but close to there.
Waymark Code: WMAAAX
Location: Zala, Hungary
Date Posted: 12/12/2010
Views: 32
A globe sculpture has a triangle base, with a '17. hoszzúsági kör' plaque in one side, means 17th longitudnal line, some cities which are in this line on an other plaque, and the makers on the 3rd side of the base.
Just because this is a virtual cache as well, please do not upload a photo from the 3rd side. Thanks.
Happy waymarking!
Line type: Equal degree of longitude
Tolerance: 146m
If other type, please explain.: Not listed
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