The Knockagh Monument - Co Antrim
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N 54° 42.669 W 005° 52.760
30U E 314518 N 6066454
The Knockagh Monument is a War memorial in County Antrim, It is located top of Knockagh Hill, above the village of Greenisland with a panoramic view of the city of Belfast.
Waymark Code: WM3KKH
Location: Ireland
Date Posted: 04/16/2008
Views: 16
The site is 935 feet above sea level and is the largest war memorial in Ulster.
The monument is a 110 foot high obelisk and is a replica of the Wellington Monument in Phoenix Park, Dublin although is exactly half the height.
A committee was set up with Mr Henry Barton, the High Sheriff of County Antrim, as secretary to raise £25,000 to erect an obelisk in local basalt, with bronze panels listing the names of all those from Co. Antrim who had died in the Great War (World War One). The foundation stone was laid on Saturday, 7th October, 1922,
But financial difficulties delayed work for a decade. Following Mr Barton's death in 1935, Antrim Rural District Council were asked to adopt the monument and oversee its completion.It was eventually completed in 1936.
Following the Second World War the memorial was dedicate to the fallen of both wars. In 1985 all the Local Councils in County Antrim contributed towards the cost of carrying out refurbishment work on it. Just 21 years later another refurbishment program was undertaken costing £50,000, each Local Council contributing £1,500 to the total cost of £50,000.
Taken from wikipedia
The Monument's inscription was adapted from the hymn “0 Valiant Hearts" by John S. Arkwright. It reads:
Type of Memorial: Multi-War Memorial
 Wars mentioned (Multi-war only): World War One
World War Two
 In Honor Of: the fallen of both wars
 Date of dedication: 7th October 1922
 Who Put it Here?: A committee set up with Mr Henry Barton and later Antrim Rural District Council
 Description of Memorial: It is located top of Knockagh Hill, above the village of Greenisland with a panoramic view of the city of Belfast.
 Marker Text: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Visited Logs must contain, at least, a picture of the monument and your GPSr. Preferably YOU at the monument with your GPSr, but we understand that some people are camera-shy.
It is suggested you please include something about your visit here, as well.
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