Canadian Pacific Railway Caboose - Heritage Park - Calgary, Alberta
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member wildwoodke
N 50° 59.127 W 114° 06.570
11U E 702870 N 5652184
This caboose was built in 1912 by the Canadian Pacific Railway at the Angus Shops in Montreal and is now resident in Heritage Park in southwest Calgary, Alberta.
Waymark Code: WM27MW
Location: Alberta, Canada
Date Posted: 09/18/2007
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member TheBeanTeam
Views: 31

This caboose is found in a roundhouse full of great train cars including a locomotive, snow cleaning cars, a cattle car and other memorabilia.
Current Use:
On display at Heritage Park

Type Of Caboose: Cupola, "Standard"

Visit Instructions:
Please visit the location of the caboose, brake van, or guard van, provide visit details through photo or narrative.
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