Patrimoine de Charente-Maritime. St Jean d'Angely. France
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member lulu_et_compagnie
N 45° 57.141 W 000° 31.841
30T E 691366 N 5091717
Patrimoine de Charente-Maritime
Waymark Code: WMZPK8
Location: France
Date Posted: 12/15/2018
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
Views: 8

Le patrimoine de Charente Maritime peint sur les 4 faces du poste EDF.

Face 1 : les tours de La Rochelle
Face 2 : Les tours de St Jean d'Angely
Face 3 : Fort Boyard
face 4 : Les arenes de Saintes

The heritage of Charente Maritime painted on the 4 sides of the EDF station.

Face 1: The towers of La Rochelle
Face 2: The towers of St Jean d'Angely
Face 3: Fort Boyard
face 4: The arenes de Saintes
Type of Surface: Not listed

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lulu_et_compagnie visited Patrimoine de Charente-Maritime. St Jean d'Angely. France 06/02/2019 lulu_et_compagnie visited it